There are millions of people who try to become successful, build businesses, make money on the internet. The stories of those who made it big using the “online world”, make it even more appealing to those of us who are hungry for success. People like Mark Zuckerberg (the founder of Facebook), James Schramko ( one of the best internet marketing mentors, owner of several highly successful online businesses), Tony Hsieh ( the owner of, Dean Hunt ( social media and buzz marketing expert), Gurbaksh Chahal ( the creator of ValueClick, BlueLithium, gVallet, RadiumOne) show the possibilities, and the speed with which success can be achieved online.
It is all … very tempting. if you have got an idea that can be transformed into a long-term business, you just want to start.
Do it, start, do not hesitate.
Know one thing.
The Internet World is very very special.
Let me explain that:
As we all know, the internet has an “open formula”, which means that the information is widely accessible ( excluding those countries like Iran, China, where the internet is censored). Because of that, the amount of things, you can find there, is just overwhelming. There are multiple interesting platforms, like Facebook, Twitter, games, sites full of interesting stories that are just screaming at you and begging for your attention. You can watch funny, educational, alarming, shocking… videos on YouTube. You can easily find hundreds of answers to your questions, or people ready to help you. And those activities eat your time, hour by hour.
They are attractive and accessible, like a piece of chocolate cake on your plate on a Sunday afternoon.
But the point is, that to achieve anything, you need to spend time on creating the products, blog posts, websites, businesses, networking, so you can build your business and connections world-wide. You can and at the right moment should outsource some of those actions… but you still spend great number of hours working.
So, what I am driving at is:
that to be successful online you need to possess or learn (it is absolutely achievable) these skills:
– the ability to be fully self- directed (you plan your actions, and check your own progress). This is the most important skill you need
– the will to manage your time ruthlessly
– the will to quickly validate what is working and what is not, so you can get better and go forward
– focus on the important actions every day, that take you toward your goals
As you see, just by looking at the very general but essential list, these skills are basic to any highly successful individual. They build the foundation for the skyscraper you might create in your life. You can shape it, you have the tremendously powerful and creative brain capable of creating the spaceships, taking us to the tops of the Himalayan peaks.
But as I said previously, the online world is a bit special- it is fast, incredibly, endlessly rich in possibilities, it is aggressive, it shines and glitters… and can eat you alive if you are not aware of what is going on.
The set of skills mentioned above is what characterizes most of the entrepreneurs, and is very basic. But online, with the temptations stealing your precious time and attention, hiding just behind one click… it requires more inner strength to say… No, I have something else to do.
Finally… the big thought is
to make it Work Online, you need to tame the beast called freedom of information, by focusing on what you need to do and know now and in the coming days. To take only what is needed, and get rid of the rest. If you can do that, you have the ability to make it really, really big.
… remember about one essential thought- You Can Do It. The only question is… Do You Want It?
…if you do, the world will only benefit from it
Martyna Bizdra
Ps. chatting about the temptations,
have you watched the short 3 minute video you see in the post below? Arnold Schwarzenegger shares his success story, it is funny and interesting
Hi Martyna,
Indeed FOCUS is the key 🙂 We are flooded with information every day and it will be always more. I need to make choices everyday what to focus on and I work also on stopping myself from multitasking 🙂 Otherwise I would not get too far!!
hey Justyna
so true, so true
get a good goal… 🙂
I agree, there’s a lot of information to digest on the internet.. however, I think most people should consider starting real businesses instead of just internet businesses. The thing is companies like FB and Twitter are rare special breeds… 99% of internet businesses fail
hey Henway
thank you for your comment
this is really interesting:
how would one distinguish a difference between an online business and an offline one? and what is a “real” business? I think that the answer to the first question is in the second question.
I hope you are doing great
best wishes
Starting a business over the Internet is as complex as building one in the real world. It just demands the same analysis and research as any other new business you want to implement.
hey Debbie
I agree
The big thought is exactly about me! It is extremely hard for me to concentrate at what I’m doing.. Thanks for enlightning me that – I will do my best to concentrate!
heyka Alexander
if you find it difficult to concentrate on what you are doing, where is your focus then?
all the best