Success Strategies

Overcome Procrastination

By November 18, 2011 7 Comments

In the middle ages people believed in Dragons, and created legends that described brave men who fought them.

In Bulgarian, Russian, Polish, Serbian mythologies those creatures had between one and seven heads, lizard-like bodies, ten horns. Two pairs of legs, and wings. They could fly fast and blew fire from its mouth. Dangerous and aggressive, would place tributes on villages, demanding gold.

Their heads would regrow if cut off. One head would come back as two or more. The only way to kill the monster was to treat its neck with fire.

Just like Decision Making. If you don’t solve a problem, finish a project you work on, and procrastinate, it will come back to you multiplied.

The difficulties will regrow like the heads of the dragon.

Photo credit : CCPiXel


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  • Brennan@Procrastination Hypnosis says:

    This is a great analogy for the ways that being indecisive only makes things worse, and a great tip to stop procrastinating — be “on fire” so that you singe the problem right away before it re-grows!

    Many of my procrastination hypnosis clients have found that, in addition to remembering that the task they’re avoiding won’t be easier later, it’s also really powerful to maintain a Time Budget that gives them a clear focus, one block of time at a time. Makes things easy!

    Thanks for the great post!

  • Andy says:

    I like the analogy/comparison. 🙂

  • @Brennan

    well spot on! to “be “on fire” so that you singe the problem right away”,

    this is a great tip about a Time Budget. I have not thought about it from this perspective,
    another approach was suggested to me by a friend of mine:

    Think about how long you want to live, and subtract your age from that number. Next, multiply it by 356 ( the number of days in a year).

    the end number seems to be so small…


  • There is so much value in the words you wrote and I share your ideas about procrastination. Well done!

  • Hi Martyna,
    I love the analogy and the great insight from Brennan. I’ve recently read that procrastination is a way of avoiding pain. The causes of this pain may be: feeling overwhelmed, unpleasant task, and plenty of time.
    The advice is to break down the task into smaller pieces and follow the Nike slogan, “Just do it”.

  • What a great post. It is important not to procrastinate because you end up having a heavier task ahead of you. Just like the dragon illustration once you cut of a head more grow. Once you put of something for later you end up having more work to deal with.

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