It is Friday folks!
For so many of us it is the first day of the weekend, when you finally can sleep till 10 am or go out and have fun till the Sun goes up!
…or if you are a business owner, an entrepreneur, you have fun all the time 🙂
It is a perfect moment for a relaxing and informal brainstorming session.
Every Friday you get a question, a mind-twisting game, with no straight answers. Possibilities are endless. Your point of view will be unique.
We want to hear your thoughts and comments, vie the comment form you see below.
And if you have a question that you would like us to post here next Friday, write us a note via the same comment form, with your question, name and a website to connect to, if you have one.
let’s roll on!
Friday Brainstorming Question no. 1 :
Can a Genius be a Liar?
I think that being a genius doesn’t mean by default that such person follows a value to be honest and sincere. He/she can be truthful in what they are perceived as a genius but they can lie in other things, small things.
Saying truth is a value independent from being a genius.
another question is… how to reach your own genius level of the skills that is your strongest point
Genius is also a human, he is not perfect although they call them genius. They maybe genius but it doesn’t mean they are perfect.
Becca, as Justyna Said as well, you can be incredible at something and weaker at something else.
Interesting what you both thin, we are all different. I have observed in my life that honesty, total mad honesty expands to other areas of our lives, and achieving clarity and simplicity, speed is far more easier than before.
yeah a genius can be a liar..because a genius have to many ideas on how to make lying so easy..
So just surfed on and love your site…
…found this question… and its Sunday Fun-day so I thought I’d take time to respond…
It really depends on what you define a “Genius” as…
Level of Intelligence and Abilities for me has nothing to do with level of integrity.
So to me it comes down to one’s original core intentions that determines their “ethical” behavior… One can be a genius and quite innovative… and if they utilize their gifts and talents in a way that is dishonest, then they can lie, cheat, steal, and their degree of genius/intelligence/cunning, etc… can aid them in their endeavors.
Innate gifts give one potential, they don’t determine how they will use that potential… personal choice and core values are generally the underlying frameworks that direct how those talents and gifts are used….
If one uses them to serve self at the cost of others or if they chose to serve all of life, including themselves…
That to me is the fundamental determination whether or not one lies… it has nothing to do with their innate gifts and talents as a “genius”…
At least if you are speaking in terms of the material world and genius implies someone who possess’s creativity, intelligence, gifts and talents that enable them to easily manipulate and mold the world around them to accomodate their intentions and ideas…
…However I would say that there is also people that would be considered a “Spiritual Genius”… and in that case, they might have a much harder time embracing deception.
I guess it poses the question…. “Genius in what regard?”
this is very interesting what you said Teddy
“So to me it comes down to one’s original core intentions that determines their “ethical” behavior… One can be a genius and quite innovative… and if they utilize their gifts and talents in a way that is dishonest, then they can lie, cheat, steal, and their degree of genius/intelligence/cunning, etc… can aid them in their endeavors. ”
Is the ability to reach human genius related to the moral system? OR are there multiple different moral systems that can be life sustaining?
I asked the question to hear the thoughts about a way to total self-realization. as a genius is a person who finds the way to express him or herself fully, without any constraints. This is in my mind, the purpose of life…
Steve Jobs, a simple mind, he did his best to reach simplicity, the essence of things. yet he died so early. the results don’t lie.
You asked.. “A genius in what regard?”
genius= health, the most optimal use of the possibilities one possesses.
when we talk about our physical health, there is no misconception what it means. And it is also represented by the most amazing organism, strong and fit, that looks like an ancient Greek statue. We achieve our best in terms of physical ability when we are healthy.
When it comes to the mind…
“At least if you are speaking in terms of the material world and genius implies someone who possess’s creativity, intelligence, gifts and talents that enable them to easily manipulate and mold the world around them to accomodate their intentions and ideas…” here I don’t agree. such person would be like a cancer cell.
thank you for your great comment
all the best
Can a genius be a liar? Yes, I think a genius can be a liar. Having intelligence is not the same as having integrity. Geniuses may be smart, but being smart does not make you immune to lying. After all, they are still humans.