The best Goal Setting Seminars out there- my personal experience and advice.
Why is it profitable and essential to attend those events?
“they can because they think they can” Virgil
Our world is full of seminars that can help you find the inner clarity you most likely need to grow. To achieve emotional and financial freedom, to know what that freedom means to you, to know yourself better and be closer to finding what makes you happy.
If you have a mentor or a coach, friend who has walked the path you want to go, knows the world from the beautiful side, who has experienced ups and downs, and always came back much stronger… you will know instantly that it is possible to treat the events in your life as experience, and benefit from them, instead of sliding into depression. You do not need much more. The rest you will find by yourself. Everything else is strategy, techniques.
The true success- goal setting seminar is not the one that gives you the tools, but shows you your own truly boundless power and intelligence.
In my life I took part in a few seminars. Two of them were important. I would recommend them to you as the clear platforms for personal growth. And suggest two other programs recommended to me by my friends.
In the process of Goal Setting, clarity is power. If you understand or feel what you want, what makes you happy, it is far easier to set goals and achieve them. The seminars mentioned below are not known as goal setting events, but rather personal empowerment. From there, you have a clear path to go, as an independent person, able to create…
The first real seminar I took part in was Breakthrough to Success by Christopher Howard.
It tool place in London, UK. Three days of learning about human mind, history of achievement and training sessions. What made that particular seminar so special, was that knowledge was mixed with practice, and it was really easy to understand. You worked with yourself on clarifying your life’s purpose, knowing your limitations and learning to eliminate them , discovering negative believes, and many more issues. You cooperated with others. It was an amazing seminar I would have recommend to anybody if it had not been stopped. It is not conducted any more.
The next enriching and truly life-changing event was Unleash the Power Within by Anthony Robbins and Joseph McClendon III.
It took part in Rimini, Italy, late September this year. Four days of total empowerment. Tony and Joseph used the time to help people understand their true abilities. By showing how physical strength, posture, well-being is linked to your emotional power. Plus you learned about the way to total life’s satisfaction and health. The teachers have achieved that in their lives fully. You use only a small fraction of your mind’s capabilities, and the seminar expanded the feeling of personal unstoppability. They know that it is possible… and that you can have it too. Very often it is the key to success. Knowing that… it is possible, you just need to find your OWN way, and make the world a more beautiful one, by showing who you really are. The next Tony and Joseph’s “Unleash the Power Within” seminar will take place in London, in May, 2012. for America, check Tony Robbins website.
How am I going to live today in order to create the tomorrow I’m committed to? Tony Robbins
Two other seminars that my friends recommended to me are:
Slinton Swaine’s “Play to Win”,
Which is a three day seminar, that reaches the goal setting process by teaching you how to think outside the box(“what if there were no limits?”), become more creative, resourceful, how to develop great relationships with people and build teams, breakthrough your comfort zones. Clinton reminds you that life is about growth… face the challenges, and learn from them.
There is no failure. Only feedback. Robert Allen
The fourth seminar I want to mention to you is Millionaire Mind Intensive. By T. Harv Eker.
It is related to your financial consciousness, but shows you what is known about human mind and how it operates. How to achieve your goals, even if you are in deep trouble, and the solutions do not seem to be near. Eker talks about how to stop the blame game, take control of your finances, change your focus, create the path to financial freedom, and not in a year’s time, but now, despite the economical crisis.
One of the participants said: “18 months ago, my wife and I were a week away from divorcing. We were over $150,000 in debt and we always fought about money. Your program changed all that and today we are happily married. We are now debt free and we own 2 companies worth over a 1/4 million dollars.” – Daniel Donaghy
Goal setting might be essential for your growth if you experience troubles in your life, want to reach your dream world faster… or even understand what a “dream” means. Later, you will not need them…
…“If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things.” Albert Einstein
Photo Credit : Michael Mistretta
Attending seminars and talks soothes the mind and refreshes our knowledge. Setting workable goals motivates us to do our best and strive hard in whatever we do.