Success Strategies

Fear- my friend

By April 19, 2010 5 Comments

FEAR: False Evidence Appearing Real.

When you see a snake, like the one on the photo, and realize that it is one of the most dangerous and biggest snakes on Earth (a Green Mamba that lives in Africa and grows up to 2 meters), you may immediately feel fear. An encounter with one might be a dangerous or deadly  event. But in fact what is more immediate than the fear is the imagination of the possible consequences and pain. And it is this process that creates what we call fear. Snakes in their nature are not aggressive; they show aggression only when scared of attack or when hungry.

What might be shocking is that recent experiments have proven that our nervous system creates the impression we associate with pain before the real threat  appears. In other words, we create the feeling first. A patient who took part in an experiment felt pain before the real threat to his skin actually happened.

Napoleon Bonaparte once said:  “The battlefield is a scene of constant chaos. The winner will be the one who controls that chaos, both his own and the enemies.” Our lives are battlefields. Achieving inner mastery might be a bridge to a fearless life.

Do you agree with this?


  • James says:

    That’s a pretty good looking snake. What lens was used for this photo?
    .-= James´s last blog ..a Better Mouse Trap =-.

  • Hi James

    nice to meet You:)

    Yes, it is Green Mamba (Dendroaspis viridis). Very pretty.
    I do not own a camera at present, but I will find the info about the lens for You.

    Have a cool day

  • Ryan Cowles says:

    That is a very nice image! Beautiful colors and nice focus!
    .-= Ryan Cowles´s last blog ..Taking a Train Across the Country – Part Two =-.

  • That makes a lot of sense. We associate fear with snakes because we grew up learning that snakes bite and some are poisonous. 🙂 Cool!

  • Ryan

    Do you also have an impression that snakes are like mountains- you just cannot make a bad picture?


    and they are just too beautiful to be left alone 🙂
    haha !


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