Money is a Ticket.
A piece of paper you buy when you want to see a movie. You have it, so you can enter the theater and wait for the show to enroll in front of your eyes. If the movie is bad, you either leave or fall asleep. You have just paid for the void, wasted your time. And if the story is good… you become one with the actors, let the movie take you into the heart of it. The new world has just been created.

The ticket will not create the experience, but at times help you reach the heart of darkness or joy, understand something new.

If you have your own calling, create products, services, generate great income that will allow you reach more people who are interesting to spend your time with, money will make it happen faster, reach- help more.

It is funny how money creates euphoria.
It makes sense as long as you know what you are after.

Are you building something- a company, skyscrapers, create movies? Do you want to travel the world, and feel free to go and stay wherever you want? Are you a practical idealist who knows that most of our dreams can come true, and money is one of the bridges that will let you catch the dream?

People are rarely crazy about the tickets. So why are they about money?

One Comment

  • Karen@Lån says:

    I’m not sure if there are indeed people who love and work for money alone. Money is the vehicle we use to get what we need or want. We want to travel the world, donate to the poor, build a new house – they require money. It’s not the money that gives us the satisfaction, it’s what we can do and accomplish with our money.

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