Ralph Waldo Emerson used to say that in our core being, we are all one. We share the same basic needs and wants. We all have the genius-like minds, capable of achieving more than we can ever imagine. The point is, that only some have the courage to face the possibilities and make them real.

The Midas Touch” is usually associated with the rich and financially successful, but not just the average successful…only the Highly Successful ones. When you discover the history behind this definition, you find out a human face covered by the golden masque…


So, who was he?

Midas was a Greek mythological King. He worshiped many gods. One of them was Dionysus- the god of wine, ritual madness and ecstasy. Once, he found his great friend and teacher – satyr Silenius, missing…

It was king Midas, who brought the missing friend of the mighty god back.

Out of the ecstatic happiness, Dionysus offered Midas a gift… his choice of whatever he wanted. The king knew already what it was.

He wanted everything he touched to be turned into gold.

Midas became a mighty person…until he wanted to drink, and eat. The wine and food hardened into the shiny metal. He touched his daughter…and she turned into a statue.  Out of the desperation and hunger…he wanted his human abilities back.

“The Midas Touch”. The ability to focus your mind on turning everything you do into gold, or any other form of  success you choose.

Choice is the magic word. Your choice.


We make choices in every minute of our lives. Whether you see the positive or the negative side of things, is your decision…

Below, you will find a few videos, showing the brief stories of some of the most successful people in the history of mankind.  Rudolf Nureyev, Henry Ford, Aristotle Onassis, Jerzy Kukuczka… they chose to succeed, and one of them, gained the nickname that you know from the first part of this story…the name of the Midas. Watch the videos, and find out what happened in their lives that allowed them achieve what they wanted, and…how the story connected to the Greek myth developed.


Rudolf Nureyev

Henry Ford:

Aristotle Onassis

…just wondering, how accurate those videos are

The ability to make money is a great virtue

part II

Part III

part IV

Jerzy Kukuczka

…the greatest climber of the XX century, the second man to climb all fourteen eight-thousanders in the world

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