Success StrategiesTuesday Success Strategies

Tuesday : Success Strategies of the Successful Ones: Howard Lutnick– Purpose

By May 18, 2011 2 Comments

Most of the people in America are familiar with a man called Howard Lutnick.

He first became well known for his ability to lead one of the greatest financial companies. A demanding man, tough competitor and specialist in his field- bond-and-equity-trading. He joined Canton Fitzgerald in 1983, became a President and Chief Executive Officer of the firm in 1992 and a Chairman in 1996.  Cantor Fitzgerald is one of the world’s most respected and leading financial services companies. The firm is one of twenty primary dealers allowed to trade U.S. government securities with The Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

The corporate headquarters of the firm were located on the 101 st to 105th floors of 1 World Trade Center in New York, and destroyed during the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.  No-one of 658 employees that were present in the building at the time, survived.

Howard Lutnick lost his younger brother, and many friends who worked with him. He survived as he was not in the office at that moment.

He decided to keep the company afloat, to support the families of the perished ones. Within the space of 6 years, they generated over $180 million (25% of the firm’s profits) to fulfill its promise.

In 2001, after the attacks, Howard Lutnick said: “If you didn’t have a greater purpose, you couldn’t go on. There would be no point.”

His company not only supported the families, but also came back to being one of the greatest financial services in the USA.  The company was able to get the crucial financial operations back to normal two days after the attack.

He became the 2010 Ernest & Young Entrepreneur of the Year

Forward is the only direction to go.

Tuesday Success Strategies of the Successful Ones include:

Suzy Welch

Jack Welch part I

Jack Welch part II

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Lord Sugar

To see the list of articles with the success strategies of the successful people, click here: Success Strategies


  • DP Galerie » Blog Archive » Public Domain Explained says:

    […] Tuesday : Success Strategies of a Successful Ones: Howard … […]

  • KarenSaulmy@hemorrhoids says:

    Amazing story , always wondered what happened to all the companies in the 2 buildings, everything changed, really sad. I imagine there were so many outstanding contracts etc that could never be fufilled because the companies just did not exist anymore

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