Ideas for BusinessSuccess Strategies

3 Best Ideas for Online Business

By December 26, 2009 12 Comments

Internet marketing is not just about selling your own products on your own websites. There are hundreds of ways to make good money with internet marketing, but the question is: what are the best ideas for online business? How do you implement them? And how do you minimize time and money wasted, not to mention scam artists offers?

For those new to internet marketing, here are three great ideas for getting started.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is simply promoting someone else’s product or service through your website, blog or article. You mention the product, provide a link to the product’s website, and if someone makes a purchase after clicking on your link, you receive a commission. An even more lucrative strategy that will make you stand out from other affiliates is to offer a “bonus,” such as an eBook of specific tips, if someone buys the product via your link.

Create Your Own Products

Create and sell your own products like eBooks or videos. This method is fairly cost-effective if you sell digital, not physical, products because you don’t store or ship anything – everything is done online. You can promote your products in several ways such as via your website, other websites (have affiliate marketers work for you) or through SEO (Search Engine Optimized) articles posted on the internet.

Market Offline Businesses Online

Most offline businesses still don’t understand the advantages of online marketing to increase sales. Having a snazzy-looking company website is not all it takes. Since this is an ongoing service, you can potentially make good money by servicing just a handful of good clients.

But even before you get started on internet marketing….

It is important to remember that a desperate mindset is not the way to succeed! As internet marketer James Schramko emphasizes, you make a lot of money by not focusing on money; focus instead on content and value and the belief that you can succeed.

  • Think like an entrepreneur, not merely like a skilled worker. Delegate. Oversee. And take your business – and it is a business – seriously.
  • Do the right things rather than do things right. Perfectionism can hold you back. Remember, you can always refine things later.
  • You have to spend money to make money. This saying is a cliché for a reason! To succeed in business you must spend money on books, courses, domain names and promotion.
  • Give as much as you need. Always offer the best service and the highest value to your clients or potential clients; it will come back to you tenfold.
  • Find a mentor. Instead of stumbling around trying to figure things out for yourself, seek out a mentor and business coach. It doesn’t have to cost a lot.

In fact, coaching forums can be a terrific way to learn, ask questions, gather ideas and get feedback. The three business ideas I mentioned at the beginning are all discussed on an internet marketing private coaching forum created by world-renowned internet marketer James Schramko.

One key to keep in mind when looking for a coach and mentor: s/he should be very successful with their non-coaching business in an ongoing way in order for them to be worthy of your time, money and trust.

Find out more about one of the most valuable internet marketing coaching forums and get more ideas for successful business.


  • Lillea Woodlyns says:

    Excellent summary! So far I’ve focused on affiliate marketing primarily because I enjoy it the most. Having something going with all three business models is ideal, of course, and James Schramko is definitely one of the best people to learn from. He covers all three of those business models very well. I appreciate how much he emphasizes offering value to others.
    .-= Lillea Woodlyns´s last blog ..WordPress eStore, Affiliate and Membership Site Plugins =-.

  • Hello Lillea,
    thank you for sharing your thoughts:) I agree with you!
    James Schramko has become one of my mentors since I joined his Super Fast Results coaching forum, I couldn’t have chosen better.
    I find it really valuable to surround myself and learn from experts like him and his students:)

  • Online Business – 3 Best Ideas For Financial Independence | TechSquirt says:

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  • hey:)

    thank you for your comment
    how do I do it?
    it is simple- I am a genius.:)

    choice, choice, choice…!

    take care, Martyna

  • Lance Spurgeon says:

    I really enjoyed your article, it would be very useful if we could refer to your articles from time to time.

    Affiliate marketing is so hart to get into they all want enourmouse fees. How can a startup business get around that?

    Keep up the good owrk

  • hey Lance, nice to meet you

    and welcome to my blog
    It would be my honor if you referred to my articles in the future. I have visited your site, and like the blue color!

    “Affiliate marketing is so hart to get into they all want enormous fees. How can a start-up business get around that?”
    look for the good marketers, who have honest tracking systems. It is essential. I would recommend
    James Schramko, Andy Grand, John Carlton
    no fees and honesty on their side

    all the best and see you again

  • Stephen says:

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    if that’s ok with you?
    Peace Out!
    Stephen Hyde

  • roop riker says:

    So cool ! It’s good content I like your site.

  • hey
    thanks and have a nice day


  • As to creating your own products.. I personally hate e-books, so I won’t buy any, and that is the reason I won’t try selling them 🙂 Just wanted to add smth, so… SEO articles really work, but don’t use article directories to submit them to. Due to google’s panda update it won’t bring you much success. So I think it will be better to be a guest blogger.

  • hey John, you hate e-books? that pretty unconventional, as they so much time.
    thanks for your tips, highly appreciated
    (as for the article directories- I still have visitors coming from EzineArticles)

    all the best

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