A few days ago I was walking with my dog when an elderly woman in her late fifties approached me. Rounded shoulders, not too tall. I didn’t know her. She wore a red jacket with a hood that covered part of her face. Very modest but tidy clothes. yes, she looked poor. We started chatting. I smiled and she opened up.
In a few words she described her own life from birth in Poland during the communistic times, the orphanage she grew up in, abuse and loneliness. She has not created a family neither a stable place to live. She travels from one town to another, stays away from the crowds, lives on what she finds or people give her. Intelligent, she became a person that people do not care to notice.
While chatting about her life, she mentioned something…
Books, books.
She spent her childhood in the orphanage without any real friend to chat with or protect her. The only friends she had, were books. She read many of them, about great spirits, travels and Indians in the North America. She loved them, and dreamed about becoming the David who conquered the Goliath.
“I only had the books, but … they did not save me.” she said.
it reminded me of somebody else…
Oprah Winfrey,
woman who came through similar life conditions, extreme poverty where she wore dresses made of potato sacks, was abused, raped at a very young age, ran away from home and … has become one of the most powerful women of our time, the first Afro-American Billionaire, a person who seems to be happy and surrounded by wishing her well people.
“When I was a young girl growing up in Mississippi, I would have never known that anything existed other that the poverty I lived in if it weren’t for the books I read.”
The books were her only allies when she was growing up. They helped her create the vision and strength to carry on, no matter what was happening around…
so similar, right? So why are their lives so extremely opposite?
There are obvious differences between the two of them, like in terms of the places they grew up in, the woman I met – the communistic Poland in the fifties of the XX century and the democratic America, but still… such life circumstances are only of minor importance. We can break through nearly anything we want, if only we…
do it, try it, practice it, feel the taste of the stories you read, and take them one step further, use the new behaviors you read about in your life, create new language, use new words…
when you read something, don’t just feel inspired and amused, but put the ideas into action. Let them live and go deeper into your mind and soul.
The first woman was to afraid to try anything on her own skin, she dreamed and cried, while Oprah wanted the happy life and followed the examples given in the books she read, she tried them, changed her thinking and behavior.
The results the women have created in their lives are as distant as the South and North Poles are. Yet both real. Total misery – Total joy and power. And the reason responsible for the difference hidden is in three letters only…
we chatted for a while, and she said: …you know…life can be so hard…
after that she turned around and left quickly, as if even mentioning what she had been through made her memories alive again…
It’s crazy when I think about how a few things can make or break a person’s life… and it makes me feel sentimental too. It’s unfortunate how her life turned out, but we each have the responsibility to make the most of our lives. We all have a chance to do something special in this one life, and shouldn’t waste that opportunity!
This got me thinking and felt sad for the woman at the same time. Our lives would be different only if we change it. Probably the woman didn’t have the same opportunities as Oprah had. Nevertheless, this is something worthy of reflection… and action.
hey Henway
yes, “It’s crazy when I think about how a few things can make or break a person’s life”,
it is crazy when we think that our habits can be our masters. Knowing this, how important it is to take control.”We all have a chance to do something special in this one life, and shouldn’t waste that opportunity!” well said Henway.
thank you for your comment
all the best
“Nevertheless, this is something worthy of reflection… and action.” , yes, it got me thinking too. the results of inaction were so real, I also felt sad for her
all the best
thank you for your visit and comment
Studying great people like Oprah we all can benefit from her history and apply it to our own life. I know it does take more than just reading books and action, its those small subtle things that sometimes aren’t very visible to why two women with the same opportunity didn’t achieve the same result.. I do know that Oprah had a strong spiritual relationship as well taught to her as a child. I believe success is more of a higher connection than most realize, whether they want to admit it or not..or maybe some just aren’t aware.. thanks for letting me share.. great post..
Nice to meet you and welcome
“I do know that Oprah had a strong spiritual relationship as well taught to her as a child.” how do you mean?
and yes… it takes more than just books and taking action. But the will to take action changes everything, the perception of our world, self- respect, courage.
“I believe success is more of a higher connection”
yes, I agree… and funny that the higher connection can be achieved through repetitive actions
my pleasure and take care
Hello thank you for the reply… It’s good to be here you write great content..No fluff fluff here (smile) … Oprah was raised in the church her parents trained her up to believe in a higher power… so I believe that when that is planted in someone’s subconscious mind especially during youth when the mind is very fertile …you grow up not relying on your own will to accomplish everything in life that you desire….Yes will mixed with intent applied to directive action is important but I’ve found that vibration is the first step…everything duplicates after its own kind.. so if you give off bad vibes what will attach to your will is what you don’t want.. if you reverse it and have a good vibe what you want shows up…it’s a being before the action that determines the outcome.. just my thoughts.. thank you for allowing me to share on your blog…
hey Lenai,
very interesting “Oprah was raised in the church her parents trained her up to believe in a higher power… so I believe that when that is planted in someone’s subconscious mind especially during youth when the mind is very fertile …you grow up not relying on your own will to accomplish everything in life that you desire” it can be a weakness as well, wouldn’t you agree?
One of my mother friends had two kids. A boy and girl. the boy had a terrific car accident and died. Because the family was so closely connected, the mother was devastated after the catastrophe. She couldn’t find the inner strength to cope with the loss, so she relied on her religion and God. She calmed down and came back to happy life… perhaps she made herself secondary to the “source” that has helped her find the way out. There is always risk in such thinking.
“Yes will mixed with intent applied to directive action is important but I’ve found that vibration is the first step” , so true. The Vibration is the inner drive
thank you for sharing your interesting thoughts
all the best
Yes I agree with you that Dogma religion is not good, but in Oprah’s case that can’t be the issue. It had to be that she believed all was within, therefore she gives evidence to the fact that in-spite of her abuse as a child, she was able to rise above that (strong willed) and still accomplish (intention) what she has. Ive found that maybe the other lady who you refer to in your blog may have not had the same belief system therefore didn’t preserve in-spite of having an awesome character. I am not accrediting everything that Oprah has accomplished to just religion in no way, but she has spoken of it quite a few times in interviews. I LOVE studying autobiographies it’s in the little stuff or the thinking that made them successful.
Thank you again <3
Well thought out Lenai !
Thank you
Yes, you have to act if you want to transform your dream in *real* life!
Just read ebooks from Tony Robbins, one of the most brillant author of self-help ebook.
You have to build a plan to make your dream life and then take the necessary steps to achieve your goals!
Do not stand in front of a magic life: come into it 🙂
(thank you for this blog, very helpful)
hey Elton
action is so incredibly tasty, always different, like your favorite cake being more and more delicious every time you eat it
thank you for mentioning Tony, I like to listen/read to him too. have you been to his seminars? I am going to one soon.
thanks for your comment
take care
Hi Martyna,
no I didnt attended any Tony’s seminars… 🙁
I’m curious to read your opinion here 🙂
hey Elton
yes, imagine, as his books and cd’s are so good, what about the seminars?
I am excited about the one that is coming. Tony plus sir Richard Branson plus Sir Alan Sugar.
I will let you know
take care and thank you for commenting