Created by Eva Martin. A British born jeweler, who works and lives in Australia.
Every piece is a world in itself.

Inspiration is Everywhere.

 Perfection found in any form is like a guideline. To true you. Look for it… find it in the form of asphalt used for the Formula 1 circuit, iPods, Pink Floyd tunes. The highest quality of products, that give you unspeakable pleasure when using them. When they sere their purpose. Things well done, that you love having next to you. Because they are like you, they remind you of who you really are.

You in the moments of passion, love, sex. One purpose, and nothing else. In the heart of your feelings. You are ecstatic. You are yourself.

collider, Eva MartinEva Martin, the Collider

Rockpool RingEva Martin, Rockpool Ring

Wave Ring, Eva Martin

Eva Martin, Wave Ring

Eva Martin usually creates her jewelry as an answer to a story she hears.

She says:

“Brent came to me with a wonderful story that he wanted represented in a ring for his wife Eldyne, to celebrate the birth of their daughter Amelia or “Millie”…

“5 months before Amelia, aka ‘Millie’ was born, we were getting her room situated when we started to notice ladybugs flying into the through the doors that go out to a second story balcony. There would be 10-30 in the room (and often throughout the house) at any given time. This went on throughout the pregnancy.”

Brent wanted an elegant piece that spoke of this, but he didn’t want the ladybug to be too obvious. He also wanted to incorporate Millie’s birthstone – Garnet. ” (Eva Martin)

ladybug, Eva Martin

the photos come from Eva Martin’s website Reprinted with the artist’s permission.

Pure Translucent Strong Diamond and Dark Mute Graphite… are forms of the same material. Chemically identical, they differ in structure… the atoms in Diamonds create three dimensional forms, while Graphite is more flat, squeezed tightly.

Human Thoughts are just like the structure of a diamond or graphite.

It is your choice whether you become someone who creates the examples of human genius, beautiful successful products. You create the structure of your own thoughts.

The Most Beautiful in the world : Formula1 Ayrton Senna
The Most Beautiful in the world : Ballet Dance
The Most Beautiful in the world : Bridges
The Most Beautiful in the world : Mountains
The Most Beautiful in the world : Sculpture
The Most Beautiful in the world : Dives
The Most Beautiful in the world : Airports

thank you

Martyna Bizdra


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