This picture with two dots you have below, is all you need, to see the power of goal setting. The subject of setting goals, is so overwritten, and even abused, by people trying to make money out of it, and sell you nothing, that you may want to skip it, and go to the Leadership Games articles on our blog, that are full of action steps.
But… before you do it, let me mention, that this simple game that you see on the photo, could literally change your life.
When the world is full of troubles, like now the strikes in NY, London, Washington, when people lose their trust in authorities, need to change their jobs, because they are not needed in their current ones’, there is something that will keep them balanced and ready to face whatever comes. And win.
This exercise, a funny little game, can make you aware of you actually achieve what you want.
Often, before we believe in something, we need to see it. This is what it is all about this time.
And you do not need to know or understand how it happens.
That said, a brief introduction:
It is estimated that only 5% of people set their goals. And among those rare individuals who actually do, are those who achieve extraordinary results in their lives.
Planning, visualizing, repeating affirmations, taking action. All these steps are vital for achievement.
it has been scientifically proven that our brains do not see the differences between what we experience in our lives and what we vividly imagine.
Goal Setting helps you become clearer about what you want in your life now and in the coming days, months, years, and concentrate on that specific area. It is concentration that channels most of your brain and physical power into getting what you desire. Like a bee seeking a flower in its full bloom. It will go straight to the heart of it, guided by the smell, colors, taste, and inner hunger to bring the pollen vitally important for the survival of the insect. Bees can fly as far as 13.7 kilometers ( around 8,5 miles) from the hive when guided by the smell! Like a missile, they will chase that fruit, and find it, no matter the difficulties.
You mind works the same way. When you want something, that desire creates an unfinished puzzle. Your mind will do everything it can to find all the pieces that fit your particular vision- plan- puzzle. That is also why you hear sometimes: “choose your thoughts, as they are your destiny, control what you think.”
That laser-bean focus on his goal helped Ayrton Senna, the greatest Formula 1 driver that has ever lived, achieve his extraordinary results. When he drove his racing car, it was only about that car, total control of it, and winning. His body and mind were concentrated on driving fast and safely to win. He took action.
If you don’t know where you are going,
you’ll end up someplace else.
Yogi Berra
He could have heard about this game you will read about below. He showed its effectiveness every time he drove his Formula 1 car.
This exercise explains how incredible and powerful your brain is. You will be surprised that you do not need any technical equipment to achieve the result, your goal, that typically is perceived as difficult or even impossible.
…you will achieve that result fast and it will be exactly what you wanted.
Let me show you that it is simple. Most people want you to believe that achievement is difficult. Do this exercise and think about that statement again.
And when you are done, just spend a minute on thinking about the possibilities it opens up…
Ok, let’s begin
So take a piece of white paper. It might be a large one, up to 1 meter, the larger the better. It is up to you.
Now… take a pencil and draw a dot in one corner of your blank sheet. Follow it with drawing another black dot diagonally in the opposite corner.
Now what we are going to do is to draw a perfectly straight line from the first dot to the second one… No liner needed.
With the pencil in your hand start from the first dot, and concentrate your eyes on the second point. Only on the second one. Stare at it and draw. Do not look on your hand, just on that point you want to reach. And let your hand move toward it. Fast.
Your hand will reach the dot.
Now when you have finished, check the line. How straight is it?
Are you amazed? I remember that I was, when I first did this exercise.
The line was perfectly straight! And we usually struggle to draw a straight line that is longer than 5 cm.
Goal Setting makes sense…
There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something.
Henry Ford
… When you concentrate on something, your brain will move every bit of your body and mind toward that “dot” you want to reach. It will create and find the necessary tools.
What are your goals? What is your number 1 goal?
Thank you
Tuesday Success Strategies of the Successful Ones include:
Jack Welch part I
Jack Welch part II
and more
To see the list of articles with the success strategies of the successful people, click here: Success Strategies
I tried it and it worked! That’s amazing! Thanks for the inspiration. It brings a new meaning to keeping your eyes on the prize.
hey Annie,
great to hear
yes, this exercise is amazing! I remember when my drawing teacher showed it to me years ago
keep your eyes on the prize, and your way will be really straight, take it off, and the chaos will eat you alive
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Wow what a wonderful post. A lot has been written about setting goals and how to achieve them but in very minimal occasions are these steps followed. It is important to have our eyes and minds fixed on the price. This will ensure that you do not loose focus while on the way.
Jim, I remember Chris Howard (during his Breakthrough to Success weekend) mentioning a great way of staying on course.
You think about The Goal, about your purpose, you work on it, and then you concentrate on perfecting the details. again the purpose, followed by the details….