Tuesday Success Strategies

Tuesday : Success Strategies of the Successful Ones: John Davison Rockefeller

By June 15, 2011 8 Comments

When was the last time you visited a dentist?

I did a few days ago. It is astonishing every time I visit this particular doctor. Why? I spend minimum amount of time, the job is done in an excellent fashion and does not require corrections, I do not need anesthetics (medicine, which minimizes pain). Of course it costs, but the quality of the job, my ability to save time and completely relax knowing that I deal with a specialist, are priceless. I visit the person and pay with pleasure. Greatness is a blast.

Now, what does it have in common with John Davison Rockefeller and his success?
A brief story: he was born in 1839 in Moravia, in the USA, and started his financial career at an early age, by selling candy, potatoes to his friends, and loaning money to neighbors. His major company ”Standard Oil” was created in 1870, on the foundation of his previous oil-related firm called “Rockefeller and Andrews Company”. The firm became one of the biggest oil refiner and largest shippers of oil and kerosene in the USA at that time.

Through his 98 year-old life, he managed to fulfill his goals, with the major one – channeling his wealth into important causes all around the world. His foundations helped in the development of medical research. He is the founder of Rockefeller University ( connected with 23 Nobel laureates), and the University of Chicago ( he donated $80 million). There are many more foundations that he created including Rockefeller Foundation ( $550 million donation), which focuses on public health. He was and is the richest man in the history. By the time of his death, his private wealth was estimated at $1.4 billion, and adjusting for inflation that would be over 900 billion dollars.

There were a few principles that he followed throughout his life.
Very often he used to say that the major one, was as simple and obvious as the rest of them.
Of course he loved what he was doing… but very often passion is not enough. There should be something more, that transfers the ideas into amazing world-changing successes…

The major success factor responsible for allowing him to create the financial empire was… the ability to find and influence people. To support greatness, and development of strong will, passion for work-well done.
His company consisted of some of the best people he was able to find, highly skilled, brilliant, and hard working. Rockefeller supported the development of their great skills into excellence. How did he do it?

Through his own financial genius, ability to concentrate, organize work, he supported the growth of that skills in others by praising good decisions, independence and progress. It saved him time, and helped those around him as well. It even took his company “Standard Oil” through many big storms, when the government tried to destroy it.

You can always build a new machine, but you can never replace an excellent mind. Help others grow, support their greatness by rewarding their good ideas and independent decisions. It will create a better and happier world. The stronger people we have around us, the easier our own life becomes.

Rockefeller did it… and became the wealthiest person in the history.

Thank you

Tuesday Success Strategies of the Successful Ones include:

Suzy Welch

Jack Welch part I

Jack Welch part II

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Lord Sugar

and more

To see the list of articles with the success strategies of the successful people, click here: Success Strategies


  • Mr. Rockefeller is one of my personal favorite magnate. My favorite quote from him is “A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded on friendship.” This post is one in a million, thanks!

  • hey Jill
    that is a good quote!
    there is a book about him titled: Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, by Chernow, Ron, which has good reviews. I have not read it yet, but looks interesting.

    have a nice day

  • Cher says:

    To be honest, that was years ago…Maybe because dentists have high fee that i cannot afford…But if it is lower, i think I can have it once a month…

  • Jason Mitchev says:

    This is the first time I’ve seen a post that talks about dentists. Be sure to visit regularly for best results. 🙂
    I agree that you need to surround yourself with a strong circle of people to have success—that would be true in all areas, I’d say.

  • Amenda says:

    We should have a regular check up from our dentist…Our teeth are important to us…

  • That’s why there’s no such thing as “you’re born successful”. You have to learn it like Rockefeller did and find the charisma to influence people. But always remember, you can’t do it alone.

  • hey Ako
    you can do everything, just the question is how badly do you want it?

    wealth building is a lonely sport… in terms of your emotional strength and individuality, and with others working toward the achievement of the goals

  • That’s the trait of a great leader, the ability to see the potential in others and help them grow. As parents, we should have this trait too so we can prepare our kids for their independent lives or adulthood.

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